Welcome to pytest-home documentation!#

pytest_home.set(monkeypatch, path: Path)#

Set the home dir using a pytest monkeypatch context.

pytest_home.fixtures.tmp_home_dir(monkeypatch, tmp_path_factory)#

A temporary home directory fixture.

Configures the home directory to a temporary directory, hiding the user’s dotfiles and other home-bound state.

Before the fixture is enacted, home resolves to the user’s usual home dir.

>>> import pathlib
>>> orig = pathlib.Path('~').expanduser()

When the fixture is triggered, it alters the home directory, returning the altered directory.

>>> home = getfixture('tmp_home_dir')

Home is empty by default (feel free to inject state as needed).

>>> list(home.iterdir())

Now ~ expands to the temporary home.

>>> pathlib.Path('~').expanduser() == home
>>> pathlib.Path('~').expanduser() == orig

Indices and tables#